Austin Family Lawyer | Law Office of Rachel Moyle
The Law Office of Rachel Moyle PLLC

Ready to Protect Your Interests

When you are faced with a family conflict, or any legal issue that involves your marriage or children, you need a legal professional who has the skill, experience, and commitment to properly protect your interests.

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Modification of Custody & Support

After a divorce, you may experience a significant change in your life that warrants a change in an existing court order. If you are having difficulties due to the terms of your divorce decree or final order, Rachel Moyle Law, PLLC may be able to help. A modification of child support, child custody, visitation, or alimony may be possible.

As specialists in family law, our Austin divorce modification lawyers are here to help you alter the final terms of your divorce or custody agreement. These are complex proceedings, and your case must be properly presented if you are to reach a favorable result. With our skill and our commitment to preserving your best interests, you can rest assured that your custody or support modification is in good hands.

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Modification of Custody & Support

Modifications of Prior Orders in Texas

Divorce decrees and conservatorship, possession, and child support orders are made based on the facts that existed at the time of divorce or final order. Under certain changed circumstances – called a material and substantial change – such orders can be modified to apply to your current situation, provided that such a modification is in the best interests of the child.

Contact The Law Office of Rachel Moyle PLLC

Possible Reasons to Request a Modification

The following are potential reasons that a modification of a prior order may be needed:

  • You want to move out of the geographic area where your divorce or final order was finalized
  • You or your ex-spouse have experienced a change in employment status
  • The current custody or visitation arrangement is no longer in the child’s best interests
  • Your ex is having issues of drug abuse, domestic violence, or other problems
  • Your child has requested a change in his or her living arrangements or visitation schedule

Like all other family law issues, many modifications occur without the need to have a hearing. In fact, many modifications are resolved through informal settlement negotiations or the mediation process.

Resolving your case amicably is generally less expensive than having to go to court. However, our attorneys understand that sometimes going to court and having a judge decide your case is your only option. In those cases, we are ready to help you by being your advocate in the courtroom.

Call us at (512) 948-3688 to discuss modifying alimony, support, or custody in the Austin area.

Contact us at (512) 948-3688 to determine if your situation would merit a change in a prior court order. We will candidly let you know if it is in your best interests to pursue a modification.

Modification of Custody & Support

Austin Post-Divorce Modification Attorneys

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divorce attorney Austin, TX